We are sponsoring an exchange student
for the fall of 2023!

Please meet Mario Ruff.
Mario will be studying
at the University of Oklahoma.
Best wishes, Mario!
2022 Exchange Student: Daniel Götte
"And because it can’t be said often enough: I feel so blessed and deeply grateful looking back at the time, realizing that your and the GAWC’s generous support has made this trip possible and more than that.
Warm regards,

Without the GAWC contribution, I would not have been able to live the life I could and visit so many incredible places in the US, make so many new friends, revive and strengthen old friendships, and have this exceptional cultural experience. Thank you!"

2023 XXS Pfennigbasar Pop-up Shop
was a huge success!
At our Pop-up Store location in St. Georg's church in Stuttgart, a team of dedicated volunteers worked hard in May 2023 and raised over 6.000 Euro!
Please see our Pfennigbasar page.
Each year the German American Women’s Club sponsors students who wish to live outside their native countries. We strive to foster a greater intercultural understanding and help these students become better global citizens!

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